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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - fresh


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 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French fresch, freis, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German frisc ~; akin to Old English fersc ~  Date: 13th century  1.  a. having its original qualities unimpaired: as  (1) full of or renewed in vigor ; re~ed rose ~ from a good night's sleep  (2) not stale, sour, or decayed ~ bread  (3) not faded the lessons remain ~ in her memory  (4) not worn or rumpled a ~ white shirt  b. not altered by processing ~ vegetables  2.  a. not salt  b.  (1) free from taint ; pure ~ air  (2) of wind moderately strong  3.  a.  (1) experienced, made, or received newly or anew form ~ friendships  (2) additional, another a ~ start  b. original, vivid a ~ portrayal  c. lacking experience ; raw  d. newly or just come or arrived ~ from school  e. having the milk flow recently established a ~ cow  4. probably by folk etymology from German frech disposed to take liberties ; impudent don't get ~ with me  5. slang fashionable, cool  Synonyms: see new  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 14th century just recently ; newly we're ~ out of eggs ~ caught fish  III. noun  Date: 1538  1. an increased flow or rush (as of water) ; ~et  2. archaic a stream, spring, or pool of ~water
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  adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 newly made or obtained (fresh sandwiches). 2 a other, different; not previously known or used (start a fresh page; we need fresh ideas). b additional (fresh supplies). 3 (foll. by from) lately arrived from (a specified place or situation). 4 not stale or musty or faded (fresh flowers; fresh memories). 5 (of food) not preserved by salting, tinning, freezing, etc. 6 not salty (fresh water). 7 a pure, untainted, refreshing, invigorating (fresh air). b bright and pure in colour (a fresh complexion). 8 (of the wind) brisk; of fair strength. 9 alert, vigorous, fit (never felt fresher). 10 colloq. a cheeky, presumptuous. b amorously impudent. 11 young and inexperienced. --adv. newly, recently (esp. in comb. : fresh-baked; fresh-cut). --n. the fresh part of the day, year, etc. (in the fresh of the morning). Derivatives freshly adv. freshness n. Etymology: ME f. OF freis fresche ult. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) зеленый 2) новый 3) парный 4) свежеуложенный 5) свежий fresh water tank — цистерна пресной воды - fresh air - fresh hide - fresh liquor - fresh page - fresh slag - fresh sludge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) свежий 2) пресный (о воде) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. прохлада; прохладное время the fresh of the morning —- утренняя прохлада 2. обыкн. pl. уст. ам. поток пресной воды, вливающийся в море 3. обыкн. pl. уст. ам. паводок, разлив реки (в результате дождей или снегопадов) 4. уст. ам. ручеек пресной воды 5. шквал, порыв a fresh of wind —- сильный порыв ветра 6. шотл. оттепель 7. ам. унив. жарг. новичок; первокурсник 8. свежий, только что полученный или появившийся the fresh shoots of a plant —- свежие побеги растения fresh young thing —- молодое существо fresh flowers —- свежесрезанные цветы fresh tea —- свежезаваренный чай fresh paint —- непросохшая краска fresh paint! —- осторожно, окрашено! (надпись) 9. натуральный; свежий; неконсервированный fresh butter —- несоленое масло fresh meat —- парное мясо fresh weight —- кул. вес (продукта) в сыром виде, сырой вес fresh herring —- свежая сельдь to eat smth. fresh —- есть что-л в свежем виде 10. неиспорченный, свежий fresh eggs —- свежие яйца fresh milk —- свежее молоко 11. новый, дополнительный, еще один fresh supply —- новые запасы to begin a fresh chapter —- начать новую главу to make a fresh start —- начать все заново take a fresh sheet of paper —- возьми еще лист бумаги to throw fresh light on smth. —- проливать новый свет на что-л 12. оригинальный, новый; неожиданный fresh idea —- новая мысль his remarks are always fresh...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) свежий fresh fruit - свежие фрукты fresh paint! - осторожно, окрашено! fresh sprouts - молодые побеги - fresh butter - fresh water - fresh paint  2) новый; добавочный to begin a fresh chapter - начать новую главу to make a fresh start - начать все заново no fresh news - никаких дополнительных известий, ничего нового  3) бодрый; не уставший  4) чистый, свежий fresh air - чистый воздух a fresh shirt - чистая сорочка  5) свежий, здоровый, цветущий - fresh complexion  6) бодрящий (о погоде); свежий, крепкий (о ветре) fresh gale - ветер силой в 8 баллов  7) неопытный fresh from school - не имеющий опыта (о специалисте); прямо со школьной скамьи - fresh hand  8) amer. дерзкий, нахальный, самонадеянный  9) слегка выпивший  10) scot. трезвый  11) school; jargon новенький (об ученике) Syn: see clean  2. noun  1) прохлада  2) = freshet FRESH butter несоленое масло FRESH complexion хороший цвет лица FRESH hand неопытный человек FRESH paint еще не просохшая краска FRESH water пресная вода ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (fresher, freshest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A fresh thing or amount replaces or is added to a previous thing or amount. He asked Strathclyde police, which carried out the original investigation, to make fresh inquiries... I need a new challenge and a fresh start somewhere else. = new ADJ: ADJ n 2. Something that is fresh has been done, made, or experienced recently. There were no fresh car tracks or footprints in the snow... With the memory of the bombing fresh in her mind, Eleanor became increasingly agitated. ADJ 3. Fresh food has been picked or produced recently, and has not been preserved, for example by being frozen or put in a tin. ...locally caught fresh fish. ...fresh fruit. ADJ 4. If you describe something as fresh, you like it because it is new and exciting. These designers are full of fresh ideas. ...a fresh image. = original ADJ 5. If you describe something as fresh, you mean that it is pleasant, bright, and clean in appearance. Gingham fabrics always look fresh and pretty. ADJ 6. If something smells, tastes, or feels fresh, it is clean or cool. The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived. ADJ: usu ADJ n 7. Fresh water is water that is not salty, for example the water from rivers or lakes. ADJ 8. If you say that the weather is fresh, you mean that it is fairly cold and windy. It was a fine, fresh summer morning... Outside the breeze was fresh and from the north. ADJ 9. If you feel fresh, you feel full of energy and enthusiasm. It’s vital we are as fresh as possible for those matches... ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 10. Fresh paint is not yet dry. (AM; in BRIT, use wet) ADJ 11. If you are fresh from a particular place or experience, you have just come from that place or you have just had that experience. You can also say that someone is fresh out of a place. I returned to the office, fresh from Heathrow... From what I’ve heard he started wheeling and dealing fresh out of college. =...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »NEW« new or recently made, added etc to replace something or add to it  (I'll just make some fresh coffee. | There's been no fresh news of the fighting since yesterday. | a fresh attempt/look/approach etc (=done again in a new way))  (We need to have a fresh look at the problem. | fresh information/evidence/facts (=new facts etc that change a situation))  (This fresh evidence may prove his innocence. | a fresh sheet/copy/page/towel etc (=clean, new, and not used before))  (You'll have to start again on a fresh sheet of paper.) 2 »FOOD/FLOWERS« a) fresh food is good because it was very recently produced, picked, or prepared  (Let's eat the bread while it's still fresh. | Did you get fresh or frozen peas? | fresh from the oven/sea/garden etc)  (The beans are picked fresh from the garden.) b) fresh flowers have recently been picked 3 »COOL/CLEAN« looking, feeling or tasting pleasantly clean or cool  (the fresh coolness of the air after rain | a fresh clean taste) 4 »NOT TIRED« full of energy because you are not tired  (Somehow she managed to seem fresh and lively even at the end of the day.) 5 fresh air air that is outside a building or town, and is cleaner  (Let's open the windows and have some fresh air in here!) 6 fresh from/fresh out of sth having just finished your education or training, and not having a lot of experience  (a pleasant young man, fresh from university) 7 »WEATHER« wind or weather that is fresh is cold  (It's a bit fresh today.) 8 »WATER« fresh water contains no salt 9 be fresh out of sth AmE spoken to have just used your last supplies of something  (I'm fresh out of cough drops - I'll have to stop at the drug store.) 10 a fresh complexion healthy-looking skin on your face 11 fresh-made/fresh-cut/fresh-grated especially AmE having just been made, cut etc  (fresh-ground coffee)  (- see also freshly) 12 fresh as a daisy informal not tired and ready to do things 13 fresh in your/their mind recent enough to be remembered clearly  (She wants to write about her visit while it's still fresh in...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. fersc "unsalted, pure, sweet, eager." Reversal of -r- and -e- is late 13c., influenced by O.Fr. fres (fem. fresche), from P.Gmc. *friskaz. The sense of "impudent, presumptuous" is U.S. slang, 1848, probably from Ger. frech "insolent, cheeky." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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